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Why Cleanse in the Fall? *Free Class*
7:30 PM19:30

Why Cleanse in the Fall? *Free Class*

Why Cleanse in the Fall?
Ayurvedic and Yogic Perspectives with Noël Graupner & Pavanjeet Nikola
Free Class
Wednesday September 22, 2021
Live-Stream on Zoom 730-9PM EST

Life is a series of transitions. Nothing happens ‘all of a sudden’; there is a gradual rise and fall of energy in the process of letting go of one experience to embody the qualities of the next. Like a wave, cycles of energy and time gather momentum until they reach a peak, then release what they have accumulated to transform into something else. 

Āyurveda teaches us how to observe the way our body/minds are influenced by the transitions within our environment — the basis of our existence — so that we may practice yoga, the remembrance of our interdependence and unity with all of Nature. In doing so, we can consciously work with the tides of life around us, strategically aligning ‘internal and external rhythms’ to create a healthy and harmonious state of body/mind. When we consciously align with the natural transitions in our environment, we can find vitality, peace and balance.

Āyurveda and Yoga recommend initiating a week or so of dietary cleansing and daily rituals during seasonal change to introduce stability, reset digestive functionality and increase immunity of body/mind. 

The wave of autumn is approaching. The rising heat and dryness that have accumulated in our body/minds durning the long, bright Summer days must be alleviated before the cool, dry winds of Fall and Winter establish themselves. Otherwise, a lingering systemic dryness is set in the internal stage that translates to Fall coughs, colds, flus and allergies which leads to weakened immune systems during the Winter months. 

This class on the Fall Equinox will begin with a meditation led by Pavanjeet, then unfold the traditional Ayurvedic seasonal cleansing practice, discussing in depth what is digestion and why seasonal digestive support is important for immunity, vitality and energy!


*This is a great precursor to our Group Autumn Ayurvedic Cleanse running Wed Oct 6-Wed Oct 20th.
No previous cleanse or meditation experience is necessary.

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to Nov 13


  • Manhattan, New York (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



SATURDAY, November 12, 2016 9:30AM- 6PM  &  SUNDAY, November 13, 2016 9:30AM-5PM

We’re excited to announce our second annual weekend gathering in NYC!

Change starts from within. We’ve decided to focus on the center point, the heart. Did you know that your heart emits electromagnetic fields which change according to our emotions? These magnetic fields can be measured up to several feet away from the body; the nature of them- whether positive or negative- can greatly influence our physiology and those around us. Connection to our heart is an important aspect of developing compassion. When we care for our heart, we are best suited to care for ourselves and others. 

The weekend will include knowledge talks and experiences by:
Theo Burkhardt, Vedic Meditation Teacher
Hari Kaur Khalsa, Kundalini Master
Noël Graupner, Ayurvedic Nutritionist
Sara Auster, Sound Therapy Practitioner

Tickets are $460 and include:
*Guided meditation and discussion with Theo Burkhardt
*Kundalini and physical wisdom discussion with Hari
*Ayurvedic health and wellness with Noël Graupner
*Sound meditation with Sara Auster
*Vegetarian meals: breakfast/lunch/snacks daily
*Take-home dinner by Splendid Spoon on Saturday & Sunday
*Saturday evening program and take-home package
*Gift bag valued at $300

A retreat with The Uplift Project will leave you feeling alive and better prepared to successfully interact to the demands of our time. 

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Introduction to Ayurveda
11:00 AM11:00

Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word meaning life knowledge. It is the name of the world's oldest comprehensive health system, one which offers unique insight into creating balance among all realms of wellness - physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual - using tools like diet and food remedy, daily schedule and lifestyle practices, movement and yoga, meditation, color, and aromatherapy to create harmony between the mind, body, and natural world. Join Alexa and Noël for a workshop to explore this ancient wisdom.

Noël will begin with a seminar to discuss the basic principles of Ayurveda, including:

  • A history of Ayurveda and it's origins

  • The 5 elements + 3 doshas

  • How to determine your unique body type and consitution

  • Daily practices (dinacharya) to bring balance to the mind + body

  • Basic diet guidelines for each dosha, and for the Spring Season

Once you are familiar with the basics, Alexa will demonstrate the relationship between Ayurveda and Yoga with a 1 hour yoga class and guided meditation. Through our yoga practice, combined with mantra and pranayama (breath work), we will restore balance to the body, allowing you to feel grounded, at ease, and energized. Alexa will guide us through a chakra clearing meditation, washing clear the 7 primary energy centers of the body, untying internal knots, leaving you feel strong yet relaxed.

Please bring your own yoga mat

After the workshop, stick around for a trunk show featuring the one and only Tanya-B. Browse Tanya-B's exceptionally designed yoga life-wear, designed for your body from the inside out while sipping on The Daily Good Green Juice by ALOHA.

Organic, vegan beverages + small bites will be served.

When: April 25, 11AM-130PM
Where: ALOHA Oasis, 33 West 17th Street, Floor 6
Attire: Comfortable clothing you can move and stretch in
Cost: $25 in advance, $30 at the door



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