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How to do an Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse (at home) Workshop

  • Zoom Online Class (map)

This is a mandatory class for all those participating in the Spring Group Kitchari cleanse

In this class, we will discuss all the components of Ayurvedic cleansing, detailing the daily routines, useful herbs and teas, as well as the mono-diet of kitchari - a blend of moong beans, basmati rice and digestive spices, reviewing together how to make kitchari on your own, along with a recipe you will receive at the end of class. We will also discuss the opportunity for self-inquiry during a cleanse, and how to use your self-guided or group kitchari cleanse to become aware of appetites, actions, and identifications in your 'normal day to day' that are keeping you from feeling your best. You will be encouraged to begin ‘setting yourself up’ for your cleanse with simple guidelines at this time so you can maximize your experience during your days of kitchari !