Do you find yourself feeling timid, anxious or depressed? Does your body or mind feel physically sluggish, weak or fatigued? Does your hair lack luster or your complexion lack a healthy glow?
According to Ayurveda, the world’s most ancient and most comprehensive medical system, these are all signs of feeble or depleted ojas. Ojas is a very subtle essence that is the foundation of immunity and longevity and is responsible for cheerfulness and joy, radiance, vigor, youthfulness, mental clarity, creativity and serenity. Though it’s subtly makes it immeasurable, Ayurveda describes ojas as a biological substance that results as the end product of healthy digestion and metabolism.
Choosing ojas building/nourishing substances and practices through out the day is literally choosing happiness! In this class, you will learn about the foods and habits that weaken ojas, those that promote and revitalize ojas, and also how to protect your ojas . A warming tonic will be served at the end of class and all participants will leave with a sample of Noël’s ojas rejuvenating tea.
May 3, 2016 > 630-8PM
Lululemon HUB seventeen > 114 5th Ave, NYC, downstairs
** Please register ahead of time **