Noël is an ‘Āyurvedic Clinician’ twice Board Certified with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners for Holistic Health Counseling and Āyurvedic Healthcare. Educated at Āyuskama Institute, the California College of Āyurveda and Kerala Āyurveda Academy in āyurvedic medical tradition, she uses practical dietary, herbal, lifestyle and bodywork methods with individuals and groups who desire to restore and maintain their functional health.
She help her patients get excited about the relationship between food, environment, and health through private counseling, workshops, seminars, and group programmes. All conversations are education based, with the intention of sharing Āyurvedic theory to invoke awareness and inspire intelligent decision making. Her goal is to help her patients cultivate the conditions internally within their body/mind so that the symptoms of health may arise naturally.
Noël’s relationship with Nature began at the ground up with a B.S. in Horticulture and Sustainable Land Planning and B.A. in Comparative Literature in Nature Writing from the University of Connecticut. She is also a graduate of Dr. Naina Marballi's Āyurveda's World Programme in New York City, IIN’s Health Coaching programme and a certified Kriya Yoga Teacher under Hari Kaur Khalsa's instruction. Prior to opening her private practice, she worked as a private chef, cooking for individuals, events, retreats, and designing F&B programmes for event spaces and cafes. Currently she is working towards her Āyurvedic Doctoral degree at the Kerala Āyurveda Academy.
Āyurveda’s timeless wisdom offers us a ‘users manual’ for how to get the most out of life. It offers a simple approach, without being simplistic. These are not teachings that should be reserved for the mystically inclined. They should be taught in our schools, in our homes and passed on through the generations. They do not belong to any religion, country or race. They are universal and resonate to the very core of the human being. Noël shares the Vedic sciences in a way that makes their wisdom practical for anyone to incorporate into their lifestyle.
The key to wholesome living and well-being is entirely in your hands.
You alone can take responsibility and control of your physical and emotional health.
Let me show you how.