This is the first class of a 10-week Ayurveda course.
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Class 6 | Ama & Ojas
Ama is the sticky waste-product of digestion that builds up in the digestive tract when your digestion is either too weak to process your diet, overloaded with the wrong foods, or your lifestyle routines are not harmonious. Food is essentially in a state of incomplete transformation - it is un-metabolized waste that cannot be utilized by the body to collect in tissues layers, damaging digestion and causing disease. As you are nourished or challenged by all of the impressions you take in through all senses, mental ama exists in addition to physical ama.
Conversely, ojas is the glow of health from which you derive a strong, vibrant immune system. Ojas enables all organs to operate intelligently and efficiently without disease by maintaining our physical body and impulses and safeguarding our internal bodily functions. Ojas is what gives us the fortitude and appetite to sustain wholesome activity in our lives.
In this class we will:
Define ama and identify where it comes from in the body/mind
Learn how to clear ama from the body/mind
Review the concept of ojas (introduced in Class 9)
Discuss foods and practices that will help your organism produce ojas
Learn how discipline and conscious consumption are expressions of self-love