This is the first class of a 10-week Ayurveda course.
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Class 2 | Doshic Theory: Vata, Pitta, Kapha & Prakriti: Your Design
The attention given to treating people as individuals is one of the greatest gifts of the Ayurvedic approach to health. Ayurveda is a bio-qualitative science; in Ayurveda we use the polarities of qualities to bring the human organism - mind/body as one operating unit - into its natural state of homeostasis (Prakriti). This is what the term ‘balance’ implies. Each individual’s homeostasis is different, and is changing all the time in response to the qualities we are engaging with in our environment (location/climate/season, home, work, soundscape, visual input), diet, relationships (social landscape), spiritual practices, movement habits, etc.
In this class, we will:
Review the 5 elements theory
explore how the building blocks of nature merge to form the bioenergetics called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha used for the body/mind typing that will help make applying Ayurvedic theory personal to you
Identify the chief qualities of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha physiology
Identify the chief qualities of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha psychology
Consider the assets of the qualities of each Dosha as well as how these may become liabilities in health, wellness, and projection when in excess or deficiency
Introduce the Prakriti Quiz: how to determine your own constitution
Introduce Vikruti, your current state of imbalance