Class 6 : How Does Disease Develop? Ama + Pathogenesis
Ama is the sticky waste-product of digestion that builds up in the digestive tract when your digestion is either too weak to process your diet, overloaded with the wrong foods, or your lifestyle routines are not harmonious. Food is essentially in a state of incomplete transformation - it is un-metabolized waste that cannot be utilized by the body which disturbs digestion and therefore dosha functionality. If the qualities that have accumulatd and aggravated within the digestive tube are not alleviated, they will overflow into circulation, then be distributed to and settle in deeper tissue layers resulting in dysfunction (disease).
In this class we will:
Introduce Vikruti, your current state of imbalance
Reinforce how the process of disease in the physical body begins in the digestive system
Introduce the six stages of disease development
Identify physical and mental symptoms at each stage of development
Offer practical advice for alleviation of common symptoms within early stages
Classes run 7-9PM EST on Zoom ; Zoom links will be emailed on the day of class.
All class recordings and class notes will be emailed to participants the day after class.
Class registration here :
Single / Drop-in Class | $35
*course and classes by donation available to those in financial hardship: please contact me directly at to discuss.