Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word meaning 'life knowledge'. It is the name of the world's oldest, most comprehensive health system, which offers unique insight into creating balance among all facets of wellness — physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual — using tools such as diet, plant remedy, daily schedule and lifestyle practices, movement and yoga, meditation, breath work, color, and aromatherapy to establish harmony between body, mind, and the natural world.
According to Ayurveda, the body/mind (gifts given to you!) are interfaces which allow you to live in continual interaction with the environment that is the basis of your existence! Action taken to cultivate cooperation between mind and body and the environment yields the symptoms of health that lay the foundation for true happiness and longevity. As preventative well-care, Ayurveda is behavioral medicine at its finest, making it a science of personal responsibility — one which trains you first intellectually, then intuitively, to make intelligent decisions. Intelligent decisions are the ones that create the internal conditions for the symptoms of health to arise within you. Ayurveda’s offers a simple approach, without being simplistic; its teachings are the ultimate, practical ‘users manual’ for how to make decisions that result in efficiency, flow, and ease in your life.
This compact, six-session course will familiarize you with the principles of Ayurveda that teach how to identify the organization of your unique mind/body type, then interpret the information entering your system through your senses. The goal of this course is to provide a foundation for understanding how your physiology and psychology work together, and how to use the things you are engaging with each day, knowingly and unknowingly, through environment, society, lifestyle, and diet, as tools to cultivate the state of body and state of mind of your own choosing.
Each class will be a combination of lecture and group discussion. See class descriptions below. Classes may be taken individually or as a course. Handouts will be given and taking notes will be encouraged; light assignments (challenges!) will be given between classes. Classes are two hours and will begin promptly at 7 pm.
Full Course | $225
Single / Drop-in Class | $40
*25% off for all students past or present of Yoga Vida TT.
Please email doyoga@yogavida.com for discount.
Oct 17 | Digestion and Seven Tissue Layers
Ayurveda teaches that all disturbances of the body have their root in the digestive system, the gate through which nutrients enter the tissue and travel to individual cells which maintain optimal function of the body. Understanding the digestive system is vital to improve and maintain health. In this class, we will explore the concept of digestion, unpacking the process of taking that which is not you and turning it into you, and it's major player, agni. We will examine how information from sensory inputs (i.e. nutrients) develops into the seven dhatus (tissue layers): plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, nervous tissue, sexual reproductive tissue, and affects immune function (your self-identification mechanism!).